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Title: Blood Bond
Author: Mawgy
Beta: Naresha
Rated: PG for this chapter. NC-17 overall.
Genre: Ansgt
Warnings: Male/Male relationship. Incest.
Pairing: Erestor/Glorfindel
Summary: Erestor and Glorfindel discover that a short engagement may be romantic, but can lead to bigger problems.
Disclaimer: I own nothing and am making no money from this story… I just like to play with other people’s toys. :D

Chapter 6

Glorfindel smiled lazily and hugged Erestor to him tightly.

“Good morning,” he said sleepily and kissed the dark head.

Erestor stirred and yawned, stretching his arms above him. “Morning,” he replied, his mouth still in a large ‘O’ shape.

Glorfindel jumped upon hearing Erestor in his head. But as the voice faded away, he felt that was not the extent of their new bond. He felt Erestor’s movements, thoughts, feelings, even the very beating of his beloved’s heart as though it thumped right next to his own. Erestor’s hand was merely an extension of his own arm and wrapped around one slender finger was a silver ring glistening in the morning light. Glorfindel smiled and ran his hand down Erestor’s arm, which he felt himself, and gently clasped the pale hand, playing with the ring which sat there.

“I can hardly believe I am married,” he said with a smile. Erestor’s eyes widened and looked at Glorfindel almost disbelievingly. “If I didn’t love you so much, that is,” he quickly covered. Erestor gave a snort and relaxed into Glorfindel’s embrace. “I cannot wait to tell my father we are wed. Now he shall have no choice but to accept you.”

“Perhaps we should have breakfast with your parents?” Erestor suggested.

“What a grand idea! But first, we ought to bathe,” Glorfindel said, pulling a leaf out of Erestor’s hair. Erestor blushed and smiled gently. Glorfindel kissed Erestor’s cheek then stood, holding out his hand to his husband. Erestor took hold of the hand and was pulled to his feet.

“Where did this blanket come from?” Erestor asked, only noticing it now as it slipped off his body and onto the ground.

“Oh, my mother must have brought it out for us. She probably came to check on us last night. I did tell her of my intentions before dinner and she supports us. Hopefully she has had plenty of time to bring father out of his brooding.”

“Let’s hope,” Erestor said despondently.

Glorfindel moved in to hug Erestor tightly. “Do not fret, all shall be well. You will always have me. I will never leave your side. We belong only to each other, for now and all eternity.” With a soft hand, he held the smaller head in place and leant in for a breath-taking kiss. Erestor moaned as Glorfindel’s tongue wrapped around his and two strong hands began stroking his back. Erestor inched forward, bringing Glorfindel and he to full body contact. He felt his heart beating twice as fast as it had ever done and his soul felt uplifted as it was now whole.

Slowly the lovers separated and looked at each other in astonishment.

“Wow…” was all Erestor could bring himself to say. Glorfindel dumbly nodded his head in agreement. Leaning down, he quickly kissed Erestor again and pulled away. Silently, they gathered their clothing and the blanket before heading back inside Glorfindel’s rooms.

Glorfindel had a maid run a bath for them and gently brushed Erestor’s hair while waiting for the water to arrive.

“Your hair is so silky…I could run my hands through it all day,” Glorfindel complimented. Erestor smiled and looked over his shoulder.

“There is no reason why you cannot,” he said cheerfully. Glorfindel half moaned and bent down for a kiss. Just as his tongue thrust into Erestor’s a knock came at the door. Groaning, Glorfindel pulled away and called for the person to enter. Several maids stepped into the room, each carrying a large bucket of steaming hot water and took them through to the bathing chamber. Moments later, they all filed out again and left the newly married couple alone.

“May I wash your hair?” Glorfindel asked, still combing his fingers through the inky mass.

“I was not aware you had such a fetish,” Erestor teased.

“There are many things you do not yet know about me,” Glorfindel spoke and he blew gently on Erestor’s eartip. Erestor shuddered and felt a tingle run down his spine. “Come, we should hurry.” Glorfindel grasped Erestor’s hand and led his husband to the bathroom.

Just as Glorfindel was rinsing the oils from the dark tresses, a servant came to inform them the Lord and Lady wished to see them urgently. From then, Erestor’s nerves returned, fretting about Lord Finlay’s retribution, should Lady Loriel have told him of their doings. Glorfindel instantly sensed his mate’s discomfort and tried to soothe him, but nothing the blonde did calmed Erestor.

Once a servant had delivered a fresh set of clothing for Erestor, they silently dressed and left the safe haven of Glorfindel’s room. They walked hand in hand towards their fate.

Loriel opened the door and instantly pulled her son into a tight hug. She then turned to Erestor and gave him a friendly nod.

“Mother, what-” Glorfindel tried to ask, seeing his mother’s red and puffy eyes, but her outstretched hand halted his question.

“Your father is in the lounge, he is waiting for us,” she said, her voice cracking. Glorfindel was more worried than before and took Erestor’s hand in his again for comfort. Together, the three moved through the grand quarters and eventually came to the parlour. Glorfindel gasped when he saw his father.

Lord Finlay lay upon a couch, several blankets covered his form and many pillows propped his head up. His complexion was pale and his skin gaunt. From the way Finlay wheezed with every breath, Glorfindel could tell it was a struggle just to continue inhaling.

“Father! What has happened?” Glorfindel asked, rushing to his side. Kneeling, he grasped a hand carefully and shuddered at how cold it was.

“My son, I-” Finlay stopped mid-sentence, coughing and gasping for air. Loriel stepped forward and gave her husband a cup that held a concoction the healers had made to help his breathing. Glorfindel remained frozen to the spot, not understanding how his father’s health could deteriorate in so short a time.

“How did this happen? Has someone poisoned you? If they have I swear I shall not rest until-”

“No, Glorfindel, I have not been poisoned by anything other than my own foolishness. Please, take a seat and I shall explain everything,” Finaly said, though the effort it took to speak clearly drained much of his energy. With a pat on his shoulder from his mother, Glorfindel slowly rose from the floor and moved to a couch opposite the main focus of the room. Erestor, who was also in shock gently sat next to his husband and held the larger hand for support. Loriel moved out of sight, not wishing to hear the information again, but knew she could not leave completely.

“There is something I must confess. This is not easy for me and I hoped I would never be faced with the consequences of my thoughtlessness, but it seems everything must come to light sooner rather than later. Many years ago, soon after you were born, Glorfindel, I gave into a moment of weakness. Your mother and I had not been connecting the way we once had and in my desperation I sought closeness elsewhere.” A sob from the back of the room sounded and Glorfindel turned to see Loriel standing in front of a window, her back towards him.

“Mother?” Glorfindel asked in a soothing tone. Loriel just shook her head and did not reply.

“Your mother has much to deal with, Glorfindel, all of it my fault. Leave her be for now, she will need your strength when I am gone,” Finlay panted before another coughing attack took over.

“Gone? Where do you plan to travel to in your condition?”

Finlay barely heard his son’s words over his own wheezing, but managed a small laugh with a wry grin. “Ohhh…never have you failed to bring a smile to me, even at the worst of times. Travel- no. Not physically anyway. I am fading, Glorfindel. For my stupidity over a century ago, events have taken place that can never be undone. For my role in those, knowing the pain I have now brought, and am about to bring, onto those closest to me, I cannot escape my own dem- de- demise,” Finlay spoke, a great whooping sound coming deep within his chest. Slowly he moved onto his side, facing away from the others and covered his mouth with a handkerchief.

“Maybe we should let you rest?” Erestor offered, feeling most uncomfortable to be witnessing this sensitive moment.

Finlay’s hacking died down and he turned back again. “No, Erestor, you must hear this also. This news concerns both of you,” Finlay demanded. His hand fell away from his mouth and a trickle of blood leaking from his mouth instantly caught the newly married couple’s attention. Erestor felt Glorfindel’s hand tighten around his. “Your mother still worked in the palace at this time. I never really talked to her in all her many years of service and spoke to her only once before she left. In our last conversation, she told me she was pregnant with you and would be moving to the outskirts of Gondolin with her husband. She also told me, due to my earlier indiscretion, that Earane is not your true father.”

Erestor looked at Finlay, waiting for the joke to come. But the lord’s serious expression remained firm and no hint of a lie could be detected.

“No, that could only be possible if you and my mother ever- she would not do that! She loved my father! And he her!”

“And she did, very much. So much that she mated with another so she could give her barren husband the child he always wished for,” Finlay said as gently as he could.

“Why did no one tell me?” Erestor demanded, tears starting to well up in his eyes.

“Because no other knew. Once your mother passed, I was the only one who knew of our wrongdoing. When word had reached me that she had died during childbirth, I wished to call you to my side. You are of my loins and I would never abandon a child of mine to others. However, in revealing your true heritage, I would have to admit what I wished never to reveal to anyone, especially the two people we betrayed the most. And Earane had just lost his wife, to then remove his son and also inform him of his wife’s behaviour…I could not do it. I am sorry, but I have done all I could for you over the years; seeing to your education, care, food, clothes, expenses… There should have been nothing you yearned for,” Finlay looked desperately into Erestor’s eyes, hoping for forgiveness and acceptance.

“You are not lying, are you?” Erestor asked, having a hard time accepting this news.

“I am afraid I am not.”

“But then, if I am your son, then,” Erestor paused and slowly swung his eyes to Glorfindel, his head soon following the same path. “Oh!” Erestor exclaimed, a horrified and disgusted look on his face. He quickly released Glorfindel’s hand and turned away, covering his mouth, his head bent. “Oh god…”

“Erestor, I-” Glorfindel put his hand on Erestor’s shoulder, but the dark haired one shrugged the touch off. “Why did you need to tell us?” Glorfindel demanded of his father.

“Because it was my foolish actions that have led to these events. Your bonding is the reason why I am now filled with so much guilt that I can no longer continue to live in this world. I trust Loriel to lead in my stead, but should anything else happen, there is only you two. This relationship you share is sinful and you cannot let it proceed further. I know your bond cannot be undone, but a legal marriage to another is still possible. Someone *must* carry on this line so that the House of the Golden Flower remains strong,” Finlay gasped the last few words before a new coughing fit began, speckles of blood flying of out his mouth as he fought for breath.

Glorfindel swallowed, gritting his jaw and looked away from his father to see his husband bent over, crying because of the beautiful moment they had shared last night. Looking further back, he saw his mother moving away from the curtains, carefully studying her husband as his hacking continued, tears streaming down her face.

“Perhaps we should let your father rest for now,” Loriel suggested, her voice barely heard.

“No,” Finlay said between fits, waving a hand as he continued his losing battle for oxygen. They all remained in the room, each in their own thoughts, none speaking, waiting for the guttural sounds to cease. “Erestor, you have a right to be here. Either way,” Finlay looked at Glorfindel for a moment, “there is a place for you as Lord in this House, whether as my son or son in law. I have never wanted you to feel unwanted.” Erestor did not know what to say, and at first decided not to say anything, keeping his eyes downcast. But Finlay’s piercing gaze caused him to look up.

“I do not know what I shall do,” he said despairingly. This time, when Glorfindel placed a comforting hand on Erestor’s shoulder, the younger elf did not brush it off.

Finlay nodded his head gently, swallowing several times over. He wet his palate with his tongue for a few moments before his eyes fluttered to a close. Glorfindel looked at his father with worry. Loriel stepped up to his body and watched closely, waiting for any movement from him. Slowly, his chest expanded and fell. A soft rattling sound came from his mouth and Loriel sighed in relief.

“He is sleeping. It might be best if we leave him be for now,” she said, stroking the clammy brow with a gentle hand.

“He is not truly going to die, is he?” Glorfindel asked, unbelieving his father, who should live forever, could fade merely from the thought of what his sons had done, unbeknownst to them at the time.

“Do you really see him coming back from this condition?” Loriel asked, her voice breaking. Glorfindel remained silent. Rising from the couch, he walked over to his father. Going down on one knee, he placed his fist on his heart and bowed his head. He then gently raised his father’s hand and kissed the ring that adorned it. He then stood back and gave his mother a tight hug. She patted his back and rubbed it firmly. They hesitated in letting go, but eventually did so. Loriel remained by her husband’s side as Glorfindel moved to the doorway. He held the door open for Erestor and followed his mate out, sparing one last look for his ailing father.

Erestor moved through the Lord and Lady’s chambers, back into the main hallways and started heading towards his appointed rooms. Outside the door, Glorfindel caught up.

“Erestor? Can we talk about this? I know it is a lot to take in, but my feelings have not changed one iota!” Glorfindel said and reached out to cup Erestor’s cheek. Erestor jumped back, away from the comforting touch and looked everywhere but at Glorfindel.

“I- I’m not sorry. I just need time. Time to think,” Erestor said. He bit at his bottom lip, looking as though he wished to say more, but stopped himself. Eventually he just shook his head and went inside his room, not once looking at Glorfindel.

“I will be in my rooms!” Glorfindel shouted through the door, then wandered off on his own.


Glorfindel knocked on the door and entered when he was bid to do so. He saw Erestor sitting on the edge of the bed, the small back bent over into his lap. Erestor said nothing and did not move to look at Glorfindel.

“Ten minutes ago screams were heard from my parents’ rooms. My father has passed and my mother is now fading. They are all I have ever known, to lose both so suddenly… I do not think I can survive on my own. Always have I needed others for various reasons in my life. Erestor,” Glorfindel reached out, only for Erestor to pull back again. “You have no idea how much that pains me. I have finally committed myself to one person for all eternity, and now it is they who deny me. You do not feel like my brother. We did not grow up together, we never played in the same nursery, fought over toys, cuddled up in our parents’ bed when we were scared or were told off for missing a lesson. Father said he wants you to accept your place here within the palace, by my side, and he gave you a choice- whether that is as my spouse or as my brother. Whatever you choose, just please do not leave,” Glorfindel begged, his blue eyes turning aqua as tears ran down his cheeks.

“If I do not feel like your brother, then surely I do not feel like Lord Finlay’s son. What he wishes for means little to me. My father is Earane, nothing he said will ever change that,” Erestor said, finally looking up, his eyes fierce in his conviction.

“Of course not, Earane raised you, looked after you, never will that fact alter. But in all fairness, you are no longer a child and that is all in the past. A new chapter in your life has begun, and your place is now here. But in what capacity, is what I truly wish to know,” Glorfindel asked with bated breath.

“I have no desire to now claim to be your brother. That would publicly declare my mother to be unfaithful, and even now, after so many years, the news would be unbearable to my father. But neither can I ignore what Finlay said. If there is the slightest possibility we are brothers, then I cannot live as your spouse. Such a relationship is unnatural and outlawed in all societies,” Erestor spoke, his voice laden with the tears now falling down his cheeks.

“But we are bound! Never will there be any other for me as long as I live. This bond is only felt once in our lifetime. I cannot imagine the gods are so vindictive as to allow this to happen if it were not right. Please…” Glorfindel sniffed and dropped to his knees in front of Erestor. “Please do not leave me!” The larger hands grasped Erestor’s smaller ones and held them tightly.

“It cannot be denied we have both had much invested in this relationship, and I will not make my decision in haste. However, I feel I need time to myself. I wish to travel home, it is the only place I can possibly feel any sense of peace right now.”

“No, please no. I do not want you to go!” Glorfindel sobbed and leant forward, wrapping his arms around the slim waist as the golden head rested in Erestor’s lap.

“I need to. If I stay here, I will feel pressured to reach a decision, one that may be unfair to us both. I need solitude and guidance from one whom I have trusted my whole life. Please, trust me. This is what I need,” Erestor gently soothed, and stroked Glorfindel’s hair with his fingertips. “You will be so busy here with funeral arrangements and taking Lordship over the Golden Flower that my time away will seem but a blink of an eye. Please, let me go.”

“You are wrong, it will seem an eternity,” Glorfindel whispered and leant up to kiss Erestor one last time.


Sorry it’s up late, I just plain forgot to update! Woops. :s

Hope you liked,

Thankyou to everyone who reviewed the last chapter, I loved hearing your thoughts on the relationship thus far.


P.S.- off topic now, I’ve been searching for a fic and no one seems to be able to help me, so maybe there is someone reading my story who may know of this story…? If so, I’d love it if you could help me.

I read this WELL over a year ago. Probably closer to two, so my apologies if my description is a little hazy.

Basically, Elrond is depressed over Celebrian's departure and one night, when seeking comfort from his sons, finds them making love. From then on he insists on being there every time they are intimate. Eventually the twins become too self-conscious to allow this to continue, so they leave Imladris. Erestor and Glorfindel, upon noticing their Lord's unhappiness, invite him to their bed instead.

Can anyone help me? I'm DESPERATE to read this again!

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