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Rider of the mark by zeedrippyvessel [Restricted to Adults]
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What's a Horse Lord to do when his King and best friend decide he needs mor than his horse to keep him company? Gaming gets laid and not by Hama!
Categories: Erestor's Library; Characters: OFC, OMC; Beta Reader: None
Challenge: Written For...: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Canon, Drama, Fluff, Humor, Romance
Pairing: Surprise!
Posted at...: Little Balrog
Timeline: 4 - Third Age
Warnings: Death, Het, Nudity, Sexual Situations, Strong Language
Chapters: 24 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 77114; Read Count: 749770; Completed: No
Updated: February 17, 2012; Published: September 09, 2007
Rohan Called by Weeping Naiad [Restricted to Adults]
[Reviews - 0]
Haldir leaving Lothlórien before the battle at Helm’s Deep…
Categories: Erestor's Library; Characters: Galadriel, Haldir, Orophin, Rumil; Beta Reader: None
Challenge: Written For...: None
Genre: Alternate Universe, Angst
Pairing: Haldir/Rumi/Orophin
Posted at...: Little Balrog
Timeline: 4 - Third Age
Warnings: Incest, Slash
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 103; Read Count: 7493; Completed: Yes
Updated: January 24, 2009; Published: January 24, 2009