Evening exercises by Rhapsody [Restricted to Adults]
[Reviews - 0]
Tuilinn watches Beleg CĂșthalion while she is supposed to deliver a message
Categories: Erestor's Library; Characters: Beleg, OFC; Beta Reader: None
Challenge: Written For...: None
Genre: Romance
Pairing: None
Posted at...: None
Timeline: 2 - First Age
Warnings: Het, Nudity, Sexual Situations

Challenges: ; Series: None
Chapters: 1; Completed: Yes
Word count: 418 Read: 5585
Published: July 27, 2007 Updated: August 01, 2007
Story Notes:Disclaimer: I do not own The Silmarillion, nor any of the characters from it, except for my Laiquendi elf, she's mine. All belongs to the professor and his estate. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

1. Evening exercises by Rhapsody [Reviews - 0] (418 words)
Written for Robinka.